Uncle Lynn came down for pheasant opener this weekend, but the guys ended up goose hunting all morning and didn’t look for pheasant until the afternoon. I think they only saw one pheasant….They had much better luck with the geese. Here are the guys. I think the goose they are holding is the one that almost hit Lynn. That would have left a mark!
Haaahaaa! Nic is as big as a goose!
Nic, Seth, and Uncle Lynn de-breasting the geese. Seth made jerky, but I am refusing to try it because he didn’t freeze the meat for 30 days first to kill any parasites. (I actually am just kind of grossed out by it, but don’t tell anyone). According to everyone else, it’s pretty good, so maybe I’ll break down and try some.
Oh little Remy! I have been feeling bad that I don’t have any pictures of him, so I took a few the other night. As you can see he wasn’t too excited. I brought my camera to the hospital when he was born, but I didn’t have the heart to disturb him after such a big, traumatizing day.
I also don’t have very many pictures of little Gracie. In fact, I think the only pictures I have of her are from when she was born and the first time she visited. Gracie’s being dedicated this weekend and I really, really wish that I could be there, but we’re to effing poor to even afford the gas money to drive down to the cities.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, Tucker started walking…..sort of. Saturday was the day that he actually decided to take it up as a hobby. By Sunday he was feeling pretty confident. He’s most interested in walking when he has an audience, so even though I don’t really want him to start walking yet, I can’t help but cheer him on each time he tries!
This is boring, I know, but I’m just posting my thoughts and now everyone who reads this (all 3 of them) will know what goes on in my head….A whole lot of nothing.
I know! How about a contest! Well, not really a contest because, as I mentioned above, I have no money. It’s Tucker’s 1st birthday next week and I still don’t have a theme for his party. I was going to order a cake from the city bakery because their frosting is to die for, but again, no money. Also, since Seth tells me that I’m “just a better baker than a cook” I know that I can do at least a decent job on a theme cake.
So back to the contest, let me know if you have any ideas and even better, if you have any links to a cool theme cake! I’ll post the winning idea on Friday and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your idea was waaaay better than everyone else’s. Haaaahaaa! Let the games begin!

5 replies on “Who Shoots Geese on Pheasant Opener?”

  1. Hi Anna,

    Thanks for the picture of Rachel and Remmington. I haven’t seen any current ones.
    Amazingmoms.com is a great site for b-day ideas. Keep in mind that some of these people that post their ideas have way too much time and money on their hands! But there are some good ideas to be gleaned. I did the same theme for each of my kids 1st b-day. That “1” Pooh candle held up just fine for all three! And by the time Max came around he got a piece of left over cake from Mikaela’s b-day party the week before with the Pooh candle stuck on top! I felt a little guilty until I realized he could have cared less!

    Take care and good luck with the cake bake (or maybe cupcakes?)!


  2. So here is my idea – you should have a fall themed party with a pumpkin cake and you already have pumpkins on your front porch for decorations!! There is a pumpkin cake on kraftfoods.com that looks cute. I think its on the front page under Halloween Treats or something like that.

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