No running this morning but I did crawl out of bed and do a 15 minute vinyasa routine that Sarah at Simplify The Get Going recommended. We’ll call it a cross training day. 

Dark pictures of food are not my favorite thing, but I literally took no other pictures today so we can pretend that the eggplant parmigiana and roasted brussel sprouts at Harry Caray’s are interesting.   
At least they were tasty!

Tera even humored me and posed for a picture with Harry himself who was all dressed up for Christmas.  So, that’s all for today. Tomorrow is more training and then, home!

2 replies on “Harry Caray”

    1. I like her too! She seems so sweet and laid back. I also like that she isn’t perfect at her practice which makes me feel more comfortable as I bumble along. 🙂

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